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Relationship Counseling

Relationship counseling is especially helpful to men and women who are dating and seeking a suitable partner for a long term relationship. Many of my clients have a history of disappointment when it comes to romantic relationships. Some have developed negative patterns of interaction with the opposite sex, such as being a pleaser, not setting appropriate boundaries, feeling pushed into sex prematurely, or being too fearful to engage with a partner who’s actually a good fit. 

Relationship counseling can help clients identify their “must haves” and “non-negotiables.” It also helps them examine their expectations, assess the suitability of a partner for a serious relationship, and navigate the ups and downs that are inevitable as partners move towards an increasingly intimate relationship.

Often, people enter periods in their lives when they feel isolated and alone. This may result from the loss of a significant other, job loss or relocation. Any of these stresses can result in a tendency to withdraw from others. Relationship counseling and psychotherapy can help clients begin to grieve the losses they’ve experienced and take steps towards building new connections and a community that will support them. 

Psychotherapy fosters self awareness. Often, family of origin experiences influence feelings, behavior and choices when it comes to selecting friends or romantic partners. Counseling helps clients identify dysfunctional relationship patterns and assists them in establishing new, more constructive interactions with their family members.

Coaching helps clients learn new and important relationship skills. Working with an empathetic coach or therapist helps clients learn assertiveness skills. It can also teach clients to set appropriate boundaries with others — an essential tool for establishing healthy relationships.

Many people grew up in families where feelings weren't expressed, as a result, they have difficulty expressing their emotions. Some of my clients come from families that were emotionally abusive or chaotic. This frequently results in defensive ways of dealing with feelings, including drinking, avoiding difficult conversations, wilting in the face of confrontation or developing somatic symptoms due to stress. Relationship coaching helps clients learn to express anger, sadness or feelings of inadequacy appropriately. It can also facilitate greater feelings of competence and agency when interacting with others, particularly difficult people in their personal or work environment.

The workplace is rife with possibilities for both good and bad relationships. When there are issues of power and authority, it’s important for people to feel they are respected by peers and higher ups. If there are any incidences of harassment, sexual, racial or otherwise, clients need to feel safe in reporting these and obtain help for dealing with such instances both constructively, and powerfully. A good coach assists clients to confront workplace difficulties and helps them assess whether their current working environment is one in which they can grow, personally and professionally, or whether it is toxic and one they need to leave in order to find a workplace that's healthier.

Poor self-esteem negatively impacts the development of healthy relationships. Individuals who have been belittled or bullied in the past or who have experienced trauma, often have a distorted view of themselves and their capabilities. Some of my clients were treated as though they were invisible in their family of origin, or were taken advantage of in some way. Coaching addresses these issues and helps clients examine their relationship with themselves, what they think about who they are, what they feel able to accomplish in their lives, what wounds and injuries prevent them from feeling whole and realizing their full potential. 

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11:00 am-8:00 pm


11:00 am-8:00 pm




11:00 am-8:00 pm


11:00 am-8:00 pm



